How Should We Decide On The Size Of A Wedding Neon Sign

There has been a significant resurgence in using neon signs at contemporary weddings. We recommend adding neon signs for wedding planning because they are an excellent way to liven up the ceremony location.

They can linger in wedding guests' minds for years after the wedding. Because of this, they are attached to the walls in advantageous positions.

Do you need one but are uncertain which size would be optimal for a particular application?

Fortunately, we have recommendations regarding the optimal dimensions and criteria that must be considered. Following the advice, this article will help you select the ideal neon sign for your wedding, if you don't mind.

Is it Unsuitable to Choose a Neon Led Sign for a Wedding?

A neon or LED sign is the most suitable wedding decoration. Utilizing similar signs is currently fashionable. This allows anyone to achieve a more sentimental effect. Like balloons, flowers, and chandeliers, neon signs are unique decorations that can be added to a room.

Their ostentatious appearance can instantly enliven a solemn occasion. They impart confidence to your invitations by adding a touch of sophistication, edge, and a contemporary vibe. The colours that surround us can influence how we feel.

Due to their popularity, they can now be found at most weddings. Numerous benefits of incorporating neon or LED signs into wedding decorations. Due to their durability and longevity, neon signs are an excellent investment with a high rate of return.

Their storage shelf life is exceptionally long. Due to their ease of assembly, they do not pose any safety risks when used as wedding decorations. Due to their durability, you can continue to display them after the wedding as a constant reminder of the promises you and your spouse made.

They lend an air of sophistication to any occasion and illuminate your special day. With the assistance of neon lighting, guests may find it simpler to navigate the venue. Neon signs are a modern alternative to wooden signs; they can direct guests, tell a story, provide instructions, and even serve as a backdrop for photographs.

You can rely on it to communicate the thoughts you cannot articulate. Expressions such as "Till infinity" or "Forever With You" can reassure the person you plan to marry that you intend to be by their side for the rest of their life.

Similarly, "drunk in love" adds a sense of radiance to the gathering of friends. Moreover, signs are so bright that they make excellent backgrounds for wedding photos. They will also be the topic of conversation at the reception that follows the service.

To function effectively, they must be incorporated into a stable environment. You can modify the neon sign to meet your project's needs better. Due to its compatibility with the event's colour scheme, it is an excellent option for decorating.

It will transform your ideal wedding into a reality. Participating in the production of something significant can help one feel more connected to who they are and boost their pride in themselves. Putting your unique spin on things is a fantastic way to connect with your creative side.

It's a fantastic opportunity to display the kind of person you are.

What Size Neon or LED Sign Ought to Be Used for a Wedding?

The width of neon led signs typically falls between 2.5 and 4.5 metres. Every picture you take with it as a background will look better. Remember that there is no such thing as the ideal size that caters specifically to your requirements.

According to these estimates, it is still possible to make the neon as large as the entire world. Because of this, most vendors offer customization options for their products. This indicates that any size would be suitable.

Before purchasing a neon led sign, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration first. A massive neon sign is one option if you want people to notice what you have to say. Also, if you're an extreme minimalist, your best bet is to get a neon sign that's so small that no one will even notice it.


You will be able to determine the optimal size for your neon LED signs by considering the following considerations.


It would be a shame to order a neon sign only to find out it can't fit in the allotted area after it has already been made. Keep in mind that the vast majority of neon displays are fabricated upon the customer's request.

Because of this, most stores do not accept returns on purchased items. Therefore, when selecting a neon sign, it is important to consider the intended location. If you are unsure about your ability to make rough estimates based on what you see, you should probably bring a tape measure.

A wedding, particularly one held in a garden, ensures that there will be sufficient space. Some companies provide this service to their customers.


Pay attention to the tastes and pursuits that are unique to you. Even though the neon signs have been manufactured and can be purchased from various distributors, they are not the finished product. On their wedding day, guests will be interested in hearing the happy couple's one-of-a-kind love story.

According to an old proverb, what one person eats may very well be poisonous to them. Because of this, most retailers will allow you to select your neon sign's shape, dimensions, typeface, and colour. The usefulness of the neon sign can be increased through the process of personalization.

The appropriate words will be included on a welcome sign, like the aisle sign.

3. STICK TO THE BUDGET is always the priority

Always consider your financial situation before making a purchase. You shouldn't feel obligated to spend every last cent you have on a single item. Remember, there will be more life after the wedding. It would help if you shopped around for neon sign retailers before purchasing.

Then, you can shop around and find the best deal. After that, you can settle for the cheaper options. Remember that your purchasing power is directly proportional to your financial resources. More expensive neon comes in larger sizes.

4. Seek Outside Input

You can always enquire about what would work best for you if you are unsure. If you don't have an eye for art yourself (art isn't for everyone), have some friends or family members help you out. Instagram and other social media could also be mined for information.

Best Practices for Illuminating Your Wedding with Neon/LED Signs Don't worry too much if you're in the midst of wedding preparations. Here are some of the best applications of neon-led signs for your wedding.

1. ACCESSORIES FOR CHAIRS Colors mean a lot to us

Raise the bar by customizing the venue's seats with neon lights and inspirational sayings. The splash of color will elevate the venue's atmosphere, making for a memorable occasion. The bride and groom's chairs can be set apart in another way. Use "bride" and "groom" to make your seats stand out.

2. PERSONALIZED PUB Make your wedding day unique.

Try something new and different on your big day. Send a loving message to your partner using the method you both enjoy most. Using one's own words to rephrase a quote usually increases its impact. You can use your full name, just your initials, or the first few letters of your last name. A hashtag may be included for easy retrieval of the post. If the neon ends up being yours, it can serve as a sweet reminder of the two of you and the love you share every time you look at it.


If you want to make a bold statement, #neonsign is the way to go. The perfect addition to a bridal shower. Provide a photo backdrop for your guests. Promote hashtags on all your signs, from the welcome mat to the cocktail menu. Encourage your social media-savvy guests to use the #wedding as an Instagram hashtag. Therefore, you can search the hashtag to find all the photos posted that day.


Put up posters with your favorite band's logo. That's in the interest of your music appreciation. It'll heat things while strengthening your relationship.


Make your wedding day one to remember forever. Neon signs are a fun prop for you and your guests to use in photos for social media. A photo booth is perfect for group photos like those on the red carpet. Don't hold out for fame and fortune before giving these a shot. Make it more engaging by using attractive colours and layout.


Use a neon sign as a welcome mat for guests to set the ceremony's tone. Make a fantastical setting with a pink neon led sign. These can be quite popular, particularly on the reception dance floor and bar. In the future, it can be used to provide indoor lighting.


Upgrade your wedding altar to reflect the times. A white neon sign is your best bet if you plan an outdoor wedding. It will give off an air of tranquilly, cleanliness, and harmony. It's beautiful enough for a cocktail party but can also be the setting for your wedding vow photos.