Acrylic Neon Signs in Commercial Advertising

Acrylic neon signs have appeared recently as an innovative alternative to classic neon.

Acrylic neon signs are a contemporary alternative to conventional neon signs; the many advantages associated with their use have contributed to their meteoric rise in popularity over the past few years. 

This article will discuss the many acrylic backboards that can be used for neon signs, along with their applications, advantages, and disadvantages. 

In addition, we will discuss fundamental procedures for maintenance and upkeep, as well as creative ways to incorporate acrylic neon signs into your artwork.


A neon sign portraying a bottle containing a message


Acrylic neon signs are an excellent option for those who want to add a personal touch to their home or office and for those who want to attract customers to their business with a new, eye-catching sign.


Specifically, what are acrylic neon signs?


Acrylic neon lights are a more contemporary alternative to typical neon signs from the early 20th century. 

These classic neon signs dating back to the turn of the twentieth century. 

After being moulded and mounted on an acrylic backboard, acrylic neon signs obtain their trademark neon glow using bendable LED neon tubing coated with neon. 

The tube is supposed to resemble classic neon, but it has numerous advantages over the earlier technology.

The acrylic backboard and the LED neon tubing are two of the most critical components of an acrylic neon sign. 

Even though the backboard is mainly responsible for holding the tubing in place, it is the tubing that illuminates the sign. 

LED lights are wrapped in a flexible PVC casing designed to mimic the angles and curves of conventional neon. 

These LED lights are built into the tube. The most effective acrylic used for neon signage is.

When utilizing acrylic backboards for neon signs, it is essential to select the appropriate form of acrylic and to give this selection considerable thought. 

There are numerous diverse forms of acrylic, each with its features. This section will examine the many acrylic types acceptable for usage as neon sign material.

Let's begin by discussing the many types of acrylic available. Casting and extrusion are the two most common techniques for producing acrylic, and both are utilized. 

Casting acrylic produces a material that is denser and more homogeneous in appearance than standard acrylic. 

However, the extrusion method utilized in creating extruded acrylic resulted in a less consistent product. Cast acrylic is the most excellent material for creating neon signs. 

Due to its solidity and consistency, it is more resistant to shattering, making it an ideal material for neon signs that are intended to last a long time.

However, not all cast acrylics are equal. 

Cast acrylic is available in various grades, each with its desirable characteristics. 

Neon signs should be made from cast acrylic, specifically suitable for backlighting use. 

If you want your neon sign to provide a brilliant, uniform glow, you must choose acrylic intended to allow light to pass through it consistently.

While creating neon signs, it is vital to consider the type and grade of acrylic to use, the acrylic's thickness, and the backboard's size. 

It is feasible to design a neon sign that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also long-lasting by paying careful thought to a range of aspects.


What causes contributed to the decrease in neon signs' popularity?


In the past, neon signs were frequently employed as the usual means of brand promotion. 

They have existed since the turn of the century, and throughout the 20th century, they were prevalent. They have slipped behind their opponents in recent years. The question then becomes why neon signs lost popularity.

**The crucial aspect of competing types of illuminated signs, such as LED and acrylic neon, is their aesthetic. 

Traditional neon signs are undeniably attractive, but their creation can be pricey, they are fragile, and their construction requires the expertise of a professional craftsman. 

Yet, acrylic neon signs are a more contemporary, durable, and cost-effective alternative to conventional neon signs.

Many industries, such as the entertainment industry, continue to prioritize retaining the classic appearance of neon signs, despite the availability of more modern, cutting-edge alternatives. 

Acrylic neon signs are gradually replacing traditional neon displays as the preferred medium for businesses seeking a more modern, inexpensive, and durable alternative. 

Acrylic neon signs have a longer lifespan than typical neon displays, leading to this transition.


Which illumination, neon or acrylic, should be utilized for signs?


Before making a final decision, it is vital to have a comprehensive awareness of the distinctions between acrylic and traditional neon signs and assess each option's advantages and disadvantages. 

Let's take a deeper look at the two distinct alternatives. I plan to compare and contrast two indicators. 

Ne neon signs get their distinctive glow by bending gas-filled glass tubes and then applying an electrical discharge to the resulting structure. 

In contrast, acrylic neon signs create lettering and images with bendable LED lights on an acrylic board.


Which of these possibilities is preferable? 


There are a lot of advantages to using acrylic neon signs as opposed to standard neon signs. 

To begin with, they have a reduced power need and a higher efficiency rating than conventional neon displays. 

Acrylic neon signs have a longer lifespan, are more robust, and are easier to carry and set up than traditional neon signs, which are more susceptible to cracking and leaking. Acrylic neon signs offer more customization options than conventional neon signage. 

Due to the shape and size of the glass tubes used in their production, conventional neon signs have fewer design options available to them. 

Conversely, acrylic neon signs can be made into any desired shape or size. LED lights, utilized in acrylic neon signs, enable more colours to be displayed than was previously feasible.

Although the significant rise in the popularity of acrylic neon signs, classic neon signs are still helpful in many scenarios. 

For instance, many individuals believe that LED signs are tacky, whereas they believe the warmer, more natural light of vintage neon signs is more aesthetically pleasing.

Here is an overview of the fundamental differences between neon and LED signage.


What is the fragility of acrylic neon signs?


Use acrylic neon signs instead of true neon, which has several advantages over the former alternative. 

They are more durable and less likely to shatter than their traditional counterparts, with whom they are frequently contrasted. 

In this part, we will examine the durability of acrylic neon signs, the elements that affect their durability, and the best maintenance practices for these signs.

Let's begin by comparing the durability of acrylic neon signs to that of more conventional forms of neon lighting. 

Conventional neon signs are comprised of gas-filled glass tubes, which renders the tubes extremely fragile. 

They can readily be damaged and destroyed if mishandled or dropped from a sufficient height. 

Yet, because acrylic neon signs are composed of acrylic plastic instead of glass, they have a significantly longer lifespan than their glass counterparts. 

Acrylic is more secure than alternative materials since it is less likely to break or crack.

Yet, the durability of an acrylic neon sign can be affected by its thickness, design, and placement in relation to its surroundings. 

One constructed of thicker acrylic will likely outlast one of thinner acrylic if it is well-designed, appropriately mounted, and constructed of thicker acrylic.

A few considerations must be made to ensure that your acrylic neon sign is as durable as possible for the most extended period:

If you want your sign to remain immaculate and free of dust and grime, you should first do routine cleaning. 

Use a mild cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth to scrub the sign's surface.

Secondly, prolonged exposure of the sign to direct sunlight may cause the colours to fade over time.

The sign must not be dropped under any circumstances and must be relocated or transported with considerable care.


Do neon acrylic signs continue to glow as night falls?


**Acrylic neon signs can emit light when put in a dark setting. On the other hand, acrylic neon signs utilize LED lights that have been moulded into neon tubes to produce a characteristic glow. 

This contrasts standard neon signs, utilizing neon gas to produce a distinctive glow. 

Due to their lower working temperature and reduced voltage needs, these LED lights are safer than conventional light bulbs and more energy efficient.


How do acrylic neon signs generate their own light source?


The LED lights incorporated within the acrylic neon sign are linked to an external power source, which provides electric current. 

When activated, LED lights emit a specific light colour, giving them the appearance of neon signs. 

Because the acrylic tube is transparent, light may enter and illuminate the inside space.

Conventional neon signs are pale compared to acrylic neon signs in brightness. Although acrylic neon signs are not as bright as true neon, they provide a striking display. 

In addition to the thickness of the acrylic tube, the LED lights within determine the brightness of an acrylic neon sign. 

While dealing with larger tubes, it is feasible to diffuse and smooth the light, and when working with thinner tubes, it is possible to increase the light's intensity.


A look at the variables influencing the luminosity of acrylic neon displays


Various factors can affect the brightness of an acrylic neon sign, including the quality of the LED lights, the type of acrylic used, and the ambient lighting in the room. 

The sign's visibility and colour saturation might be enhanced by employing higher-quality LED lights and a thicker acrylic tube. 

Placing the sign in a well-lit space will increase its visibility and make it simpler to read.


What is involved in the manufacture of acrylic neon signs?


Following these directions, you can create your acrylic neon sign using a straightforward method that requires only a few components and a little effort. 

The following is a brief explanation of the necessary materials and techniques:


  • Supply and basic apparatus required
  • Acrylic glass in the form of sheets
  • Neon-like diode rope lights
  • Instruments and tools for cutting, such as a jigsaw
  • Drill
  • Such fasteners include screws and brackets.
  • Drilling apparatus
  • Electricity production
  • Sealant built of transparent silicone.


Overview of the Manufacturing Process

Choosing the dimensions and shape of an acrylic sign is the initial step in its creation. You are using a measuring tape and a pencil to measure and label your acrylic sheet.

Use a jigsaw or other cutting equipment to cut the acrylic sheet to the desired size and shape.

Drill holes in the desired locations on the LED neon rope lighting for the acrylic sheet. Ensure the holes are sufficiently spaced apart to allow light to permeate the sign.

Employ screws or mounting brackets to maintain the position of the LED neon rope lights.

Connect the LED neon rope lights to the power supply using a drill. Cover its border with transparent silicone sealant to avoid water damage to the acrylic sign.


How long do acrylic neon signs ordinarily last?


If properly maintained, acrylic neon signs have a lifespan of at least ten years. Yet, this is also dependent on the exposure conditions of the sign. 

Outdoor signs may not withstand the environment and temperature swings, as well as indoor signs.

Frequent cleaning and protection from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures will extend the life of your acrylic neon sign. 

Moreover, a protective coating can be put on the sign to prevent scratches and other types of deterioration.

Learn the techniques used by professionals to erect neon signs. 


The sole instruction manual


Is it acceptable to employ acrylic light bulbs? Safety is of the utmost importance when choosing lights. 

This category includes neon signs, which frequently have high voltage and are filled with gas. Therefore, it is essential to consider the security of the components used in illuminated signs.

Instead of utilizing potentially hazardous glass neon tubes, you can utilize acrylic neon signs. 

Acrylic neon signs employ LED lights that adhere to an acrylic backboard instead of the glass tubes and gases used in traditional neon signs. 

As a result, there is no damage potential and no existence of toxic gases.It is easier to install and maintain acrylic neon signs without compromising safety. 

Acrylic neon signs pose no risk of electric shock because their LED lights are low voltage. The low weight of acrylic makes it a more practical alternative to glass in many applications.

Want to know whether neon signs are hazardous? 


There are several alternatives to neon signs for illuminated signs. In this section, we will evaluate the benefits and downsides of each solution.

LED signs have recently experienced a spike in popularity due to their long lifespan and low maintenance needs. Yet, unlike conventional neon signs, personalization is simple. 

Yet, others argue that they are less apparent and eye-catching than neon signs. Some signs use non-neon materials to simulate neon, known as neon look-alikes. 

This category encompasses LED flex tubing and EL wire signage. While being less expensive than standard neon signs, they frequently appear artificial and unnatural.

On the other hand, backlit signs are typically made from translucent materials, such as acrylic or glass, and are illuminated from behind. 

These signs are modern and adaptable to create various visual effects. These consist of the popular acrylic neon signs, which mirror the appearance of traditional neon signs without the expensive cost or regular maintenance. 

In addition, unlike standard neon signs, they do not require high-voltage electricity, making them significantly safer to run.


How to paint acrylic paint with a neon effect?


Try painting your acrylic neon sign with neon if you want it to stand out from the crowd. Only simple supplies are required to finish painting an acrylic neon sign. 

The steps are as follows:

Pick fluorescent paints that are bold and vivid to achieve a neon appearance. 

These paints are available at the majority of art supply outlets.

Using a drop cloth or newspaper, safeguard your desk from paint drips.

Remove dust and dirt from your acrylic sign using a soft, lint-free cloth.

Basecoat: Apply a white paint base coat to your sign with a paintbrush or spray can. 

This will aid the neon colors in standing out.

After the base coat has dry, apply the neon paint in the following step. 

Using a small paintbrush or detail brush, carefully apply neon paint to the areas of the sign you wish to light. 

Apply numerous layers if you want the paint to be as bright as possible.

Please wait until the neon paint is dry before touching the sign following its application.

After the paint has dried, you can apply the finishing touches, such as a protective clear coat or paintbrush detailing.

Follow these methods to add a neon light to your acrylic sign and make it stand out from the crowd.


Does acrylic fade in sunlight?


Even though acrylic is a durable and adaptable material, many individuals ask if acrylic neon signs will fade under sunlight. 

Indeed, acrylic will fade in direct sunshine over time. The term UV degradation** accurately characterizes this process.

The UV resistance of acrylic neon signs is determined by the thickness of the material, the type of acrylic used, and the quality of the pigments included in the design. 

Thicker acrylic with enhanced UV protection will resist fading longer. There are a few things you can do to maintain the UV resistance of your acrylic neon signs:

Avoid installing signs in areas where they will be directly exposed to sunlight. 

Consider utilizing UV-resistant coatings or films to safeguard acrylic signs shown in direct sunlight. You could also employ colors resistant to fading when exposed to sunshine.

In addition, keeping the signs clean and in good condition can shield them from the sun's damaging rays.

Acrylic has been used for illuminated signs since. Acrylic has been a popular choice for lighted signage due to its many advantageous properties and advantages over rival materials. 

Acrylic is ideal for backlit signage due to its exceptional light diffusion qualities. 

Due to the tiny pores that allow light to pass through the material, acrylic reflects light equally.


Considering other sources


Acrylic is compared to materials including glass, polycarbonate, and even PVC. Acrylic stands apart from other materials due to its high-quality gloss, durability, and ability to diffuse light. 

Acrylic is safer than glass as an alternative for illuminated signs due to its resilience to shattering and low breakability. 

Acrylic is preferable to PVC due to its superior optical clarity, resistance to yellowing, and brittleness.


The advantages of acrylic as an illuminated sign material


Acrylic's versatility makes it an ideal material for LED signs. Acrylic can be used in nearly any creative application due to its malleability. The lightweight nature of acrylic also enables its installation and relocation.

The durability of acrylic is a bonus. It is resistant to the weather and prevents the sign from degrading when exposed to sunshine. 

The material's low maintenance needs contribute to the durability of acrylic signs.


Importance of acrylic in contemporary LED sign making


Acrylic is essential to contemporary lighted sign design due to its versatility, sturdiness, and aesthetic qualities. 

Its ubiquity in illuminated sign applications ranging from business storefronts to home decor results from its ability to uniformly disperse light and give a uniform glow.

And acrylic may be utilized to create everything from backlit displays to neon-style signage. 

Due to its versatility has become the material of choice for creatives wishing to experiment with light installations. 

Acrylic's unique properties and advantages have made it a vital element in modern LED sign design.


Changing Neon Acrylic Signage


BeNeonUnicorn is an excellent tool for creating a one-of-a-kind acrylic neon sign. This application provides a variety of capabilities that, when combined, make customization quick, easy, and even pleasurable.

You may customize your neon sign with the BeNeonUnicorn by choosing a different acrylic backboard. 

Hence, you can select the best material that meets your style and budget requirements. Acrylic is available in various colors and finishes, allowing you to personalize your purchase.

The BeNeonUnicorn also allows you to experiment with many fonts, colors, and layouts to find the one that best reflects your personality. 

This application requires no prior knowledge of graphic design to create a gorgeous acrylic neon sign.




In conclusion, acrylic neon signs offer a fashionable and economical alternative to earlier neon varieties. 

Acrylic neon signs are affordable and long-lasting for incorporating neon into your house or company. They are also changeable, allowing you to create genuinely unique designs.

Acrylic neon signs have several benefits over other illuminated signs, such as low energy consumption and minimal maintenance costs. They should be considered if you are in the market for a new illuminated sign.