How much electricity do LED neo-neon signs use?

How much electricity do LED neo-neon signs use?

Conventional lighting consumes much more energy than LED neon signs, which consume only a fraction of that amount. Nonetheless, it is essential to remember that the size of the lights will impact the amount of energy consumed by each individual.

Your expenses may be affected by both the quantity and frequency of your usage. LED neon signs have numerous advantages over their predecessors, glass neon, which was utilised in neon signs. Let's determine how much more energy conventional signs require than LED neon signs.

What are the most significant differences between LED designs and conventional neo-lights?

LED neon signs are rapidly gaining popularity with consumers. Customers and businesses are losing interest in traditional neon signs, and this trend is expected to continue. Both operate differently and are constructed in different ways.

In a strictly mechanical sense, LED signs consist of LED strips with appropriate spaces between each LED. Because the diodes are sufficiently separated, light from multiple sources can overlap. In contrast to the flickering neon signs, this one emits a steady but extremely bright light.

LEDs are typically protected during shipping by a plastic casing. They are significantly lighter than conventional neon glass tubing as a result. In addition, they are extraordinarily malleable. LEDs are more durable than their counterparts made from unbreakable materials because glass can be shattered.

Most vintage neon signs are typically considerably larger and taller than contemporary LED lighting. The former can reach a height of five feet, whereas the latter can be as thin as an inch. The space between the backing and the glass tube containing the neon in conventional neon signs is typically considerable.

Even though they are relatively inexpensive, LEDs are gaining popularity. In addition, it is a superior method for designing for both comfort and efficiency.


Most business owners who utilise glass neon are unaware of the importance of accurately calculating the electricity required to power their lights. You can determine whether their actual operating costs are below, at, or above your target range by comparing them to your projected costs and then classifying them accordingly.

The electricity needed to power glass neon signs is significantly greater than that needed to power LED neon signs. To accomplish this, it may be necessary to determine the watts per foot of the neon tube that was utilised. In addition, you must consider the transformer and the colour temperature of your light bulbs.

Determine how long you intend to leave the lights on and the average cost per kilowatt hour. Then, you can multiply this figure by the total number of hours of electricity consumed. A full day's worth of electricity is required to power emergency lighting that must always remain on.

Then, multiply this number by the national average price per kilowatt-hour of electricity. It is essential to display the estimated monthly cost of your electricity bill.

Comparing the Electricity Use of LED Neon Signs and Conventional Glass Neon Lights

LED neon signs are superior to conventional neon signs because they can accomplish more with less energy. Due to this, many individuals have begun replacing neon signs with LED alternatives. LED neon signs are significantly more effective (over 90%) than conventional neon signs.

Nonetheless, there is considerable controversy surrounding this subject. Compared to glass neon, some consumers are concerned that LED lighting is inefficient in energy consumption. LED neon signs with the same size and colour range as traditional glass neon lights will reduce utility costs.

If the LED lighting is left on for twelve hours every day, 365 days a year, it will consume approximately 3.5 kilowatts of energy. Consequently, this represents a significant reduction in energy consumption. Even if LED neon signs are dimmed to the same brightness level as conventional signs, their energy consumption will differ.

In contrast, decreasing it to its normal setting would be more helpful in this circumstance. If a store owner desires more light and attention without a corresponding increase in their monthly electricity bill, they can increase the luminosity of their LED neon signs.


Due to their adaptability and aesthetic appeal, neon LED signs remain the most effective lighting option. The fact that they are easy to use and maintain and durable is also a significant selling point. Depending on the size you require, the price of an LED neon sign can vary significantly.

A sign's cost increases proportionally to its size and the number of letters it contains. Even when operating at full brightness, LED neon signs consume a much smaller fraction of the energy that fluorescent lighting does.

Most fluorescent light bulbs are suitable for homes, businesses, and factories. These were created as an alternative to the yellow light produced by conventional bulbs to reduce the energy required. In contrast, as alternative solutions became scarcer, increasing number of users began to prioritise them.

LED neon signs consume significantly less energy than their fluorescent counterparts. In addition, there are fluorescent lighting options that have a high output. They will have a higher energy requirement compared to the standard ones.

Only for this illustration, leaving a fluorescent light on for twelve hours per day will result in the appliance consuming approximately seventy kilowatts of electricity over one year. There is a significant difference between the energy needs of LED neon signs and those made with incandescent bulbs. The energy consumption of incandescent light bulbs is approximately four times that of neon signs.


Investing in neon LED signs would be your best option if you place a premium on convenience, ease of use, maintenance, durability, and energy efficiency. LED signs have much lower energy requirements than neon signs, which have much higher energy requirements.

The widespread adoption of LED lighting can be attributed to the numerous advantages of this type of lighting, which can be observed in both commercial and residential settings. LED neon signs are the most cost-effective option for businesses requiring electricity.

If you're looking for ways to reduce the cost of your monthly electricity bill, you cannot ignore this factor. The price of conventional glass neon, which varies based on factors such as size, brightness, and lighting duration, cannot be compared to the price of this neon.

Utilising energy-efficient LED neon signs can reduce operational costs and carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 80 per cent. Additionally, longevity is a significant focus area. You wouldn't want to purchase a new lamp if it were going to stop working the following day.

However, it would benefit everyone if our fixtures could last until we are ready to replace them. It is not surprising that LEDs have a very long lifespan. Initially, they are dependable and possess a high degree of adaptability.

You are confidently prepared to deal with them. In addition, unlike glass neon signs, these signs will not shatter if dropped. It signifies that there is a minimal to nonexistent risk of damage or breakage, even when handled by fragile individuals such as young children or people with fragile bodies.

You will save money in the long run because they are designed to outlast their competitors by up to 25 times as much as possible. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that you dispose of your incandescent light bulbs permanently.

Should you replace your current light bulb with a newer model? Did you know that signs that have already been installed can be retrofitted with LED lighting? The overall energy consumption can be reduced by replacing the majority of neon sign systems currently in use with LED sign systems.

The term "retrofitting" describes modifying an existing illuminated sign. Nevertheless, some signs are so outdated that they must be updated. This indicates that retrofitting the existing signs is not a prudent course of action.

Alternatively, you could replace them with LED signs that are more modern, expert, and representative of your brand. Not only will a new fixture save you money, it will also last longer, have fewer mechanical and technical issues, and function more efficiently.

Furthermore, there will be fewer issues overall. Initially, outdoor, conventional neon signs were installed in businesses to attract customers. However, things are different now because of the invention of LED neon signs.

There is currently a variety of indoor and outdoor applications available for use. You are free to place it anywhere within your home or place of business so long as you consider your design scheme, plans, and budgetary constraints.

Contemporary designs for outdoor spaces are both durable and aesthetically pleasing. Regarding environmental impact, LED neon signs are an improvement over their predecessors because they do not use gas.

Due to this, there is no possibility of air pollution. Additionally, the brightness level can be adjusted to meet the needs of any nearby individual.

Under the previous neon signs, you could not have done that

Moreover, unlike their competitors, they do not become overheated. This feature ensures their safety even after being on for extended periods. However, remember that children are easily drawn to bright lights, so place them in a safe location out of reach. In conclusion, LED neon signs are a great option for those seeking advertisements with vibrant colours.

The light is dimmed as much as possible while remaining on, but it is not turned off. As a result, an increasing number of homes and businesses are making the switch from incandescent and fluorescent bulbs to LEDs.


If you want to save a substantial amount of money, you must make the best decision regarding your signage. You must monitor your consumption if you frequently use neon signs but are still looking for ways to reduce your expenses.

A timer must be programmed to turn them on and off at the proper intervals. Choose the designs that best represent your company's image and values while also contributing to the enhancement of the surrounding area.

LED neon signs are an additional excellent option for gift options. To prevent injuries and property damage, a qualified and experienced professional should always install your neighbourhood's lighting.