How Things Have Evolved with LED Neon Signs Over the Years

How Things Have Evolved with LED Neon Signs Over the Years

Neon signs are perhaps one of the most unique methods of advertising that are in use today. Because of the attention that their vibrant hues draw, their use of them can be beneficial to any business, regardless of the industry in which it operates.

Over more than a century since the introduction of the world's first neon sign, the industry has undergone much development and innovation. As a direct consequence of their growing popularity, neon signs undergo continuous innovation.

This article will delve into the history of neon signs, beginning with their inception and continuing through their evolution.

The Very First Displays Made of Neon

Following our brief excursion into the past, during which we will study the invention of neon signs, we will analyze the following technological advancements in light of what we have discovered. Around the middle of the 17th century, a French astronomer, Jean Picard, observed a faint light coming from a mercury barometer.

When he vigorously shook the barometer, he noticed that the glow would arise. This was the discovery he made. The fact that a vacuum tube had never been seen to shine before meant that the discovery had significant repercussions.

However, he was unaware of the cause of this phenomenon; still, it was instrumental in investigating electricity and developing vacuum tubes, which use electric discharge in gaseous mediums. After the invention of electricity, scientists began looking into where the glow in the barometer was coming from.

It wasn't until 1676 that a Dutch physicist Peter van Musschenbroek discovered the reason for the dim light glow: an electric discharge created by the metal mercury being subjected to a high voltage. In other words, the glow was caused by a high voltage applied to the mercury.

Heinrich Geissler, a German physicist, was captivated in the 19th century by the brilliant effect of high voltage on mercury. Geissler discovered this effect. After observing this reaction, he began to speculate whether subjecting additional gases to high voltage and low pressure might result in the same outcome.

He accomplished this feat by developing a tube now known as the Geissler tube, which carries his name. His investigations used various gases, including hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, helium, etc. He discovered that by applying a high voltage between the electrodes located at the tube's tip, the gases contained therein could be made to create a brilliant light.

This led to the creation of vapour lamps in both the United States and Europe, which, in turn, opened the way for contemporary lighting technologies such as neon tube lamps and LED filament lamps. Vapour lamps were first created in the United States.

In 1898, British scientists Morris. W. Travis and Ramson Williams were attempting to turn air into a liquid when they made the discovery that led to the discovery of three new gases: neon (Ne), krypton (Kr), and xenon (Xe). In the past, neon was believed to only exist in the atmosphere.

They discovered they could acquire it by liquifying air and using fractional distillation to separate it from other gases. This would allow them to obtain it. They came up with the name neon for this gas, which derives from the Greek word for "new gas" (news).

The phenomenon of passing an electric current through a gas causes the gas to emit a coloured light was discovered for the first time in 1902 by a French engineer named George Claude. After that, he had an idea to make light using neon gas. He passed an electric current through the neon gas, which generated an incredibly bright red light.

In 1910, George Claude was the first to make a neon light by enclosing neon gas inside a glass tube and then passing electricity through it. The end product was a bright light visible for a considerable distance.

He reasoned that this would create an excellent light. The neon lamp in question was a pioneering example of its sort.

Where did the idea for neon signs come from?

The invention of a method by George Claude that allowed for the customization of glass tubes into various shapes made it possible for neon gas signs to be used as early as they were. As it made its way throughout the world, the new technology created a revolution in the marketing and advertising industry.

In 1913, the French engineer Jacques Risler improved neon signs by increasing the gases in the tube. This allowed for the formation of a larger range of hues and was a significant step forward in the technology.

How Changes in Technology Had Affected Neon Signs When they were originally introduced

neon signs were immediately faced with opposition from consumers. Both the fact that the neon gas was difficult to confine and that the tubes had to be made by hand were problematic. In the 1920s, improvements in glassblowing techniques made it possible to increase the production of glass tubes, which enabled the creation of neon signs that were both more numerous and more complex.

Over several decades, neon signs became an increasingly common form of advertising. Cities such as New York, Las Vegas, and Chicago have made neon signs and lights an instantly recognized part of their landscape.

The presentation of this signage is eye-catching and appealing. It's pretty cool that some of the neon signs manufactured back then are still used today. On the Las Vegas Strip, a sign says, "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas." This serves as a perfect illustration of this point.

The progression of technology has significantly influenced the development of neon signs. Plastic tubes, rather than glass tubes, are used in creating neon signs, for example, since they are more durable and portable than glass tubes.

The introduction of plastic tubes paved the way for producing more complicated and innovative neon lights than ever before, which was beneficial to the advertising industry. Alterations Made to

Advertisements in Neon

LED neon lights are now widely utilized and have mostly replaced traditional neon bulbs in this application. In contrast to traditional neon tubes, LED neon lights can be bent and shaped into any number, word, or pattern that can be conceived.

Traditional neon lights have been replaced by LED neon signs, which are superior in several respects, including having a longer lifespan, less sophisticated, and lower operating costs. Because they come in a wider variety of colours and can be programmed to flash lights of multiple colours, they are also more aesthetically appealing than traditional neon lights.

This is because conventional neon lights only come in a single colour. Conclusion The gradual evolution of neon signs throughout history has significantly impacted the visual culture of the contemporary period.

People worldwide continue to be inspired to come up with creative ideas and pay attention to neon signs due to their brilliant and one-of-a-kind appearance. On the other hand, it will be intriguing to watch how neon signs evolve along with other forms of lighting as technology advances.

At BeneonUnicorn Neon, we know how the most innovative neon signs can enhance the reputation of businesses operating in any industry.

You will obtain some of the most trustworthy and attention-grabbing things on the market regardless of whether you decide to go with one of our pre-made neon lights or with some personalization with your neon signs. Feel free to look around at your leisure on our website.